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A lot of news in the world, but here you find the Agriko news:

 8-8-2024 Brrr Zantedeschia goosebumps from these amazing calla flowers on Read more >> 

19-3-2024 After drying and selection of the calla tubers we noticed some Read more >> 

10-11-2023 Wet, wet, wet but harvesting superb quality calla tubers. Read more >> 

23-08-2023 More calla flowers then ever before out of every Zantedeschia tuber.... Read more >> 

25-05-2023 Yes, we did put fleece on the Kallaland calla's to make sure the tubers ...  Read more >> 

20-12-2022 We have been very busy harvesting all Zantedeschia tubers and ...Read more >> 

29-08-2022 How amazing is this years production of calla flowers and tubers. The weather..Read more >> 

05-04-2022 Yes, also other growers used the land around Agriko to grow their hyacints..Read more >> 

25-03-2022 Spring is in the air at Agriko. A beautiful view here in our region as flowers ..Read more >> 

18-03-2022 Yub, the first calla land ..Read more >> 

14-03-2022 We have started planting the first fase of flower production for Kallaland ..Read more >> 

28-02-2022 We hope eveybody is ready for the new season as most tubers have been delivered to our customers and ..Read more >> 

30-11-2021 Our tubers created a succesfull season of Calla flowers production and we are now harvesting ..Read more about our tubers>> 

22-08-2021 Beautiful calla flowers which Kallaland are producing with our tubers Read more >> 

11-06-2021 Final approach towards calla flowers production. Spraying callaland to... Read more >> 

17-03-2021 Planting calla tubers for flower production for Kallaland is in ... Read more >>


Do you want to know more about our Calla's, bulbs, tubers, our company and possibilities then please contact us. 

Click here for our contact page >>

Calla tubers available in various sizes.


Calla Goldcup:

Calla Goldcup, also known as Zantedeschia Goldcup is a bright golden yellow color Arum type calla lily. If you want more information about these tubers then please contact us.


Calla Goldcup - ZantedeschiaCalla Goldcup - Zantedeschia