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A lot of news in the world, but here you find the Agriko news:

 8-8-2024 Brrr Zantedeschia goosebumps from these amazing calla flowers on Read more >> 

19-3-2024 After drying and selection of the calla tubers we noticed some Read more >> 

10-11-2023 Wet, wet, wet but harvesting superb quality calla tubers. Read more >> 

23-08-2023 More calla flowers then ever before out of every Zantedeschia tuber.... Read more >> 

25-05-2023 Yes, we did put fleece on the Kallaland calla's to make sure the tubers ...  Read more >> 

20-12-2022 We have been very busy harvesting all Zantedeschia tubers and ...Read more >> 

29-08-2022 How amazing is this years production of calla flowers and tubers. The weather..Read more >> 

05-04-2022 Yes, also other growers used the land around Agriko to grow their hyacints..Read more >> 

25-03-2022 Spring is in the air at Agriko. A beautiful view here in our region as flowers ..Read more >> 

18-03-2022 Yub, the first calla land ..Read more >> 

14-03-2022 We have started planting the first fase of flower production for Kallaland ..Read more >> 

28-02-2022 We hope eveybody is ready for the new season as most tubers have been delivered to our customers and ..Read more >> 

30-11-2021 Our tubers created a succesfull season of Calla flowers production and we are now harvesting ..Read more about our tubers>> 

22-08-2021 Beautiful calla flowers which Kallaland are producing with our tubers Read more >> 

11-06-2021 Final approach towards calla flowers production. Spraying callaland to... Read more >> 

17-03-2021 Planting calla tubers for flower production for Kallaland is in ... Read more >>


Do you want to know more about our Calla's, bulbs, tubers, our company and possibilities then please contact us. 

Click here for our contact page >>

Click on CALLA to visit the website of our sister company Kallaland B.V. that breeds a beautiful and broad selection of Calla flowers outdoors.



Only the best quality calla tubers are good enough. We teach and take good care of our employees making them the best workers which will ensure optimal nurture of the lands and our calla flowers and tubers. Therefor Agriko B.V. is GlobalG.A.P. and 100% GRASP certified. Our certificate nr is: 4063061126092

Thank you for visiting our website Agriko.nl. Agriko B.V. is one of the major growers/producers of calla tubers. We are a real family grown company. The Kortekaas family has been into growing bulbs and tubers for many years. The brothers Jan and Ton Kortekaas have built their business into the successful company which it is today, and it's still growing as planned! Their passion and knowledge of breeding bulbs and tubers and production of flowers have made them one of the primary sources for producers to obtain their bulbs/tubers and providing their services to optimize growth and production.    

Stay alert with the news on our website www.agriko.nl
And please don't hesitate to contact us if you like to purchase our calla tubers or if you like to receive information or hire our services for optimizing your production.

Agriko tractor Agriko tractor Work on Calla land

Agriko treats the lands with the best machines available on the market. This saves a lot of time and is better for the lands, the environment and the Zantedeschia.

Agriko harvesting callaAgriko harvesting callaHarvesting Calla's

The harvesting of Calla's is being done with extreme care. This ensures optimal quality of the calla tubers. 
Massive impressive!

"Beautiful Calla Goldcup growing on our land. You can see the different periods that we planted the calla tubers so we have a good calla production throughout a longer period of the year. With the experience and knowledge of Agriko we can make sure we create production when needed."