Welcome to the Agriko news page:
We constantly strive to be a great company and achieve sustainable success in our performance. Agriko is committed to providing top quality products and services to our customers. Moreover, our efforts extend beyond providing outstanding products and services to those who need them. Agriko conducts research and participates in a number of initiatives to continually develop our sector and to contribute to society. Agriko follows a strategy of increased growth through innovation, improve operational effectiveness and strengthen organizational and related capabilities. Agriko is trying to constantly develop technologies and products that will have a major impact on the safety of the workers and improve production and profitability. Welcome to the nr 1 calla grower.
19-3-2024 After drying and selection of the calla tubers we noticed some problems with a small percentage of calla's with some varieties due to the amount rain which caused water damage. Luckily we had a good control of the lands so damage was kept to a minimum. Our customers are very satisfied with the quality of tubers they received. We expect that our customers will produce beautiful plants with a lot of flowers.
10-11-2023 Wet, wet, wet but harvesting superb quality calla tubers. If you take care of the land like Agriko does, including using land with good drainage systems then you can harvest even in difficult circumstances. After rain comes sunshine and beautiful tubers.
23-08-2023 More calla flowers then ever before out of every Zantedeschia tuber this year. Kallaland is very satisfied about the quality and quantity of calla flowers that the Agriko calla tubers produced. Never in the history of Kallaland there were so many flowers. Of course also the weather was good until now but it's clear that the way of producing has proven it self. Look at these beautiful vibrant color calla's ready for the customers.
25-05-2023 Yes, we did put fleece on the Kallaland calla's to make sure the tubers will receive sufficient warmth to grow for the calla flower production. And they have produced nice plants. Looks like we will produce beautiful calla flowers again.
20-12-2022 We have been very busy harvesting all Zantedeschia tubers and must say they look very nice. We are still busy but hope to be finished before Christmas. Let us wish all of you a wonderful Christmas and an amazing beautiful, healthy and prosperous 2023.
29-08-2022 How amazing is this years production of flowers and tubers. The weather is really good. Sufficient temperature and a lot of sun provide beautiful flowers and will ensure a very good production of calla tubers. Our customers for Zantedeschia tubers will be very happy next season.
05-04-2022 Yes, also other growers used the land around Agriko to grow their hyacinths which brings beautiful pictures to the region. Don't hesitate to visit our region during springtime. Everything here is blooming.
25-03-2022 Spring is in the air at Agriko. A beautiful view here in our region as flowers have started blooming. don't hesitate to come and visit our region in this period as all colors will brighten your day.
18-03-2022 Yub, the first calla land for calla flowers production is ready.
14-03-2022 We have started planting the first fase of flower production for Kallaland. The weather is very good which will provide an ideal environment in the earth for the Zantedeschia to start it's roots.
28-02-2022 We hope everybody is ready for the new season as most tubers have been delivered to our customers and they are ready for planting or sales. Our top quality Zantedeschia tubers will provide beautiful gardens and flowers for bouquets all over the world.
30-11-2021 Our tubers created a successful season of Calla flowers production and we are now almost finished harvesting the calla tubers from our Zantedeschia tuber production. Due to a dark and wet spring it looks like the tubers did not grow as much as previous years. The quality of the tubers however are very good.
Beautiful calla flowers which Kallaland are producing with our tubers.
Final approach towards calla flower production. Spraying callaland to ensure optimal quality flowers result. First flowers are almost ready for harvesting. Evenings are amazingly beautiful these days with this great calla weather.
Planting calla tubers for flower production for Kallaland is in full progress again. Agriko is planting the Zantedeschia tubers early this year so Kallaland will have calla flower production again as of June.
Our production lines are working heavily ensuring that we can provide the nicest Zantedeschia tubers to our customers. We check the quality and make selections with every size.
We are still harvesting our amazing calla tubers. These will be going in a drying process and will afterwards be cleaned and selected.
Planting calla tubers for flower production for Kallaland is in full progress. The weather is very good for planting at the moment and we expect Kallaland can harvest their first new Calla flowers around the middle of Juli.
Our calla youngplants are doing very well. We have a lot of sun which makes it ideal for our zantedeschia baby's to grow in our glasshouse. We produce the best selling varieties as well as new varieties. We monitor our calla youngplants closely to ensure optimal growth and quality.
Beautiful weather makes beautiful pictures. Planting in spring blooming fields between hyacinths and tulips. Switching between lands to create an optimal biological environment to ensure that land can be used continously.
The weather has been very good last 2 weeks. We are now peparing the lands and have started planting the tubers. Check how our Massey Fergusun is ploughing 1 of our lands. Great soil for optimal tuber and calla flower production. In the background you see lands with tulips and hyacinths which are currently blooming.
Although the weather at the moment is frightful with lots of wind and rain we expect a change in weather soon and then we expect we can start with planting the first tubers again middle of March.
We are making enormous progress in our beautiful selection of calla which are graded in various sizes. Have a look at our sorting machine.
Today we got the audit for the GlobalGAP GRASP. The auditor was very satisfied and granted us the 100% GRASP status of which of course we are very proud. We make sure our employees work save and are equipped with the best materials to work the best, efficient, comfortable and safest way. So next to our Global Good Agricultural Practise we now also have the 100% GRASP which stands for GLOBALG.A.P. Risk Assessment on Social Practice. Agriko BV is fully compliant.
We have started work again in the new year. As the harvest was again very good we are now starting with the selections. The sorting of the calla tubers is going very well. The tubers are nicely shaped and we expect that our customers will be very satisfied again this year. These tubers will produce the nicest flowers.
Agriko has started harvesting the Calla tubers beginning November 2019. Although it has rained a lot in September and October, we have made sure the land was optimized for the growth of the calla tubers and flower production. Due to the amount of rain the flower production decreased a bit but the calla tubers grew very well. Below you can see a picture where we harvest the Calla Cantor tubers.